- About Department
- Faculty
- Research Advisory Committee
Industrial Advisory Committee
- Research-Project & Publication
- Achievements
- Syllabus & Workload
- Skill Courses
- Diploma Course
- Academic Calender & Time Table
- Ph.D Candidates
Workshops & Conferences
- Student Centered Activities
- Extension Activities & Best Practices
- Study Material & Question Bank
- MoU/ Linkages/ Collaborations
- Photo Gallery
About Department

The Department of Nanoscience and Technology was established in June 2013. Nanoscience and Technology is a Four year integrated course. It intends to cultivate an interdisciplinary approach and bring together major science branches like Physical sciences, Chemical sciences, Lifesciences and Engineering Technology under one umbrella. Nanotechnology is one of the most leading branches of science and technology in recent world. It has multiple opportunities in the field of Agricultural, pharmaceutical; food industry, Nano biotechnology, Energy storage devices, semiconductor industry forensic technology, etc. Hence to cater the need of hour department has started B.Sc. in Nanoscience and Technology with intake capacity of 60 students. The department has a well-equipped laboratory. The course provides exposure to the recent technologies and empowers the students to make them competent for industrial needs, R & D activities and the self-employment opportunities.
Research Advisory Committee
Sr. No. | Name | Organization | Designation |
1 | Dr. Sarfraj. H. Mujawar | Y.C.I.S. Satara | Chairperson |
2 | Mr. Sagar S. Deshpande | Altron Chemicals, Satara | Member |
3 | Dr. T. D. Dongale | Associate Professor, School of Nanoscience and Technology, SUK | Member |
4 | Dr. Rupesh S. Devan | Associate Professor, Department of MEMS IIT Indore, India | Member |
5 | Dr. Somnath S. Kundale | Research Institute for Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea | Member |
6 | Mrs. Sushama V. Nikam | Y.C.I.S. Satara | Secretary |
Industrial Advisory Committee
Sr. No. | Name | Organization | Designation |
1 | Dr. Sarfraj. H. Mujawar | Y.C.I.S. Satara | Chairperson |
2 | Mr. Sagar S. Deshpande | Altron Chemicals, Satara | Member |
3 | Dr. T. D. Dongale | Associate Professor, School of Nanoscience and Technology, SUK | Member |
4 | Dr. Rupesh S. Devan | Associate Professor, Department of MEMS IIT Indore, India | Member |
5 | Dr. Somnath S. Kundale | Research Institute for Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea | Member |
Research-Project & Publication
Sr. No. | Name of the Author(s) | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal | Month and Year of publication | ISSN | Remark |
1 | Nikam S. M., Sharma A., Rahaman M., Teli A. M., Mujawar S. H., Zahn D. R. T., Patil P. S., Sahoo S. C., Salvan, G., Patil P. B., | Pulsed laser deposited CoFe2O4 thin films as super-capacitor electrodes | RSC Advances | >May 2020. | doi:10.1039/d0ra02564j | Scopus |
2 | P.N. Kirdat, P.B. Dandge, R.M. Hagwane, A.S. Nikam, S.P. Mahadik, S.T. Jirange, | Synthesis and characterization of ginger (Z. officinale) extract mediated iron oxide nanoparticles and its antibacterial activity, | Materials Today: Proceedings, | Dec-20 | 2214-7853, | Scopus |
3 | S. D. Jadhav, S. S. Shinde, | Nutrigenomics and Bio-availability Enhancers as a Combination Therapy for Myostatin Inhibition to Cope with Muscular Dystrophy, | Universal International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, | May-21 | 2582-6417 | peer review |
4 | S. D. Jadhav, S. S. Shinde, Y. R. Salavi | The study of Gymnema sylvestre and its bioactive components effect on diabetes Milletus. | Universal International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, | Aug-21 | 2582-6417 | peer review |
5 | Avani Gohel,S. D. Jadhav, et al | Study on phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Adhatodavasica. | Canadian Journal of Medicine | Aug-21 | 2564-0135 | peer review |
6 | S. V. Nikam, B. T. Jadhav | Review on the effect of preparative parameters of spray pyrolysis technique on optical and electrical properties of Zinc Oxide thin film. | International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | Aug 21 | 2454-132X | peer review |
7 | Nikam, S. V., Jadhav, B. T., Chiwate, S. M., Nikam, S. M., Mujawar, S. H., & Torane, A. P. | Structural, morphological and optical attributes of ZnO thin films deposited via spray pyrolysis process: Impact of molarity variation. | In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ? | Oct. 2022 | 1757-899X | Scopus |
8 | B. T. Jadhav S.V. Nikam, S. M. Chiwate | Parameters of Banana at various stages that affects supply chain and value chain. | Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences | Jan 2023 | 2277-1808 | Scopus |
9 | B. T. Jadhav S.V. Nikam, S. M. Chiwate | Synthesis of Zinc oxide nanoparticles for Antibacterial application | Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences | Jan-23 | 2277-18099 | Scopus |
10 | B. T. Jadhav S.V. Nikam, S. M. Chiwate | Review of various methods to test the ripening stages of banana | Gradiva Review Journal, | May-23 | 0363-8057 | Scopus |
11 | B. T. Jadhav S.V. Nikam, S. M. Chiwate | "Analysis of Physicochemical Changes During the Ripening of Cavendish Banana and Velchi Banana." | Current Agriculture Research Journal | Jun-23 | 2321-9971 | UGC care |
12 | B. T. Jadhav S.V. Nikam, S. M. Chiwate | "Fuzzy Logic Approach for Banana Grading." | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | May-23 | 1901-0990 | Scopus |
13 | Chiwate, S. M., and BT Jadhav SV Nikam.G.S. Nhivekar. | Fuzzy interface system for the prediction of optical properties of ZnO thin film. | International journal for research in applied science and engineering technology. | Jul-23 | 2321 9653 | Peer Rivew |
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of award/recognition |
1 | - | |
2 | - | - |
3 | - | - |
Academic Calender & Time Table
Sr. No. |
Year | Title |
View Details |
1 |
2017-18 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
2 |
2018-19 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
3 |
2019-20 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
4 |
2020-21 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
5 |
2021-22 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
6 |
2022-23 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
7 |
2023-24 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table | |||
8 |
2024-25 | Academic Calendar | View |
Time-Table |
PH.D Cadidates
Sr. No. | Name of Ph. D. Student | Name of Guide | Status |
1 | Mr. Mane S. S. | ||
2 | Miss. Shinde S. S. | Dr. L. D. Kadam | In process |
3 | Miss. Nikam S. M | Dr. S. H. Mujawarr | In process |
4 | Mr. Sutar S. H. | Dr. S. H. Mujawar | In process |
5 | Mr. Jadhav S. D. | ||
6 | Miss. Nikam S. V. | Dr. B. T. Jadhav | Awarded in 2024 |
7 | Miss. Kirdat P. N. | Dr. P. B. Dandge | Awarded in 2022 |
Workshops & Conferences
Sr. No. | Topic of the Lecture | Guest | Date | View Details |
1 | National Conference on "Recent Trends in Nano Materials" | Dr. P.S. Patil Dr. U.S. Raykar Dr.V.B. Patil |
28/09/2017 | View |
2 | Seminar on "From Nanomaterials to Nanodevices And Era of Modern Technology | Dr.Arif .D. Shaikh | 01/01/2019 | |
3 | One Day Workshop" Research Instrument Characterization Technique at School of Nanoscience And Technology SUK | Dr. Krushna Pawar | 18/01/2020 | |
4 | National Conference on "Nanodevices Fibrication Product Design And Start-ups" | Dr. H.S.Jadhav Mr.Vijay Karade Mr.Pritam Chaugule |
31/10/2020 | |
5 | Application of Nanotechnology in Forensic Investigation | Mr. A.J. Sandhe | 27/02/2021 | |
6 | Workshop on Life saving Technique- CPR | Dr. Madhav Hake | 22/03/2021 | |
7 | Workshop on IPR Management | Mr. Sunny Dubal | 29/11/2021 | |
8 | Workshop on "Mathematical methods required for Nanoscience - Mat Lab and Python Software | Ms.More G.N Mr.Nalawade S. |
28/03/2022 to 13/04/2022 | |
9 | Workshop on "Industrial Application of Nanocoating" | Mr. Satish Deshpande Mr. Sagar Deshpande |
09/12/2022 | |
10 | One week workshop on Intellectual Property Right | Mr.Raju kumar | 08/06/2022 | View |
11 | Bsc III orientation programe | Dr.S.A.Bhoite Dr.D.S.Nhivekar Mr.S.R.Pol |
4/09/2022 | |
12 | Workshop on ?Industrial application of nanocoatings? | Mr.Sagar Deshpande Mr.Satish Deshpande |
02/12/2022 | |
13 | Guest lecture ?Thin film sensor technology? | Prof.Dr.T.D.Dongale | 09/12/2022 | |
14 | Level 6 program on ?Entrepreneurship skill in nanoscience | Mr.Bipin Khilari | 11/01/2023 | |
15 | Guest lecture on ?Application of nanocoating? | Dr.Namdev Harale | 04/02/2023 | |
16 | International conference on ?NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY? | 1)Prof.Dr.Mohammed
Mustafa 2)Prof.Dr.Mrs.N Geetha 3)Prof.Dr.M.S.Nimbalkar 4)Prof.Dr.Jan Skakle 5)Dr.Vivek Dhas 6)Dr.Ashok Chaugule |
17/03/2023- 18/03/2023 | |
17 | Nanobuzz quiz competition | Miss.Pooja Nikam | 29/03/2023 | |
18 | Guest lecture on ?Application of Nanomaterials in various Industries" | Mr.Vijay C.Karade | 24/04/2023 |
Student Centered Activities
Sr.no | Activity | Date | Resource Person | Beneficiary | View Detatails |
1 | One week workshop on Intellectual Property Right | 08/06/2022 | Mr.Raju kumar | 60 | View |
2 | Bsc III orientation program | 14/09/2022 | Dr.S.A.Bhoite Dr.D.S.Nhivekar Mr.S.R.Pol | 40 | View |
3 | Workshop on ?Industrial application of nanocoatings? | 02/12/2022 | Mr.Sagar Deshpande Mr.Satish Deshpande | 60 | View |
4 | Guest lecture ?Thin film sensor technology? | 09/12/2022 | Prof.Dr.T.D.Dongale | 40 | View |
5 | Level 6 program on ?Entrepreneurship skill in nanoscience? | 11/01/2023 | Mr.Bipin Khilari | 60 | View |
6 | Guest lecture on ?Application of nanocoating? | 04/02/2023 | Dr.Namdev Harale | 25 | View |
7 | International conference on ?NANO-BIOTECHNOLOGY? | 17/03/2023-18/03/2023 | 1)Prof.Dr.Mohammed Mustafa 2)Prof.Dr.Mrs.N Geetha 3)Prof.Dr.M.S.Nimbalkar 4)Prof.Dr.Jan Skakle 5)Dr.Vivek Dhas 6)Dr.Ashok Chaugule | 150 | View |
8 | Nanobuzz quiz competition | 29/03/2023 | Miss.Pooja Nikam | 57 | View |
9 | Guest lecture on ?Application of Nanomaterials in various Industries? | 24/04/2023 | Mr.Vijay C.Karade | 60 | View |
Extension Activities & Best Practices
The Department of Nanoscience And Technology organizes various Extension Activities. These activities are student-centred activities for overall development of the students, such as organization of Field Visit and Study Tours.
- To develops the overall personality of the students
- To develops language competency among students
- To understand nature, culture, history and life style of the people
Sr.No | Year | Type/Name of Activity | View Details |
1 | 2020 | Immunity Boosting measures using Nanimedicines for self care during Covid-19 Crises. | View |
2 | 2022 | Innovation and Future Aspects of Nanomedicine. Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Nanomedicine. Awareness Program For Farmers to use Nano- Fertilizer over regular Fertilizer. Awareness of Nanotechnology. |
3 | 2023 | Awareness Program for Future Scopes in Nanotechnology. |